Nazaraliev, Jenisbek, Prof. Dr. of Medicine, Director

Co-Autor: Adjibekova, Guzel, Dm. M. D., Psychiatrist/Addictologist

Medical Center of Dr. Nazaraliev

Published: 2-nd World Congress of Positive Psychotherapy, Book of Abstracts, Wiesbaden, 5-9 July 2000

Many professionals state that at the present stage of the development of therapeutic ap¬proaches to drug dependent patients management are inadequately efficient which result in frequent events of drug abuse relapses.

The purpose of this study was to assess the efficiency of positive psychotherapy application in the complex of individual anti-relapse treatment for drug dependent patients by Dr. Nazaraliev.

The study rests on a monitoring of 100 patients, empirically selected at the time of taking the in-patient treatment.

Methods of experimental and psychological diagnostics and catamnesis feedback questionnaires within 12 months were used. The therapeutic complex by Dr. Nazaraliev's method was worked out at the clinic. It represents a step-by-step algorithm for influence upon all the pathogenic branches of a disease.

Methods of positive psychother¬apy were used at all the stages of individual complex treatment, from abstinent syndrome coping to reconstructing motivational reorientation and post-in-patient rehabilitation. The main self-help principle of treatment is formed in mutual "patient-clinic" contract, which serves as a psychotherapeutic fixation of patient treatment initiative. Taking into account principles of monitoring/distancing, inventory, situational approbation, verbalization and aims extending, one can say that the share of positive psychotherapy methods increased in step-by-step psychotherapeutic correction as patient's critical self-estimation of disease increased and as the share of neuropsychopharmacological influence upon patient decreased. Psychothera¬peutic influence, including positive psychotherapy methods effected all the areas of patient's psychic activity while a patient was re-estimating his own "Me" image in reconstructing way. Active participation of patient's immediate social and family co-dependent persons, including parents, spouse, children, etc. into in-patient treatment process is an aspect of no small impor¬tance in the carried out psychotherapy. Correction of pathological fixations of family relations and stirring up of inner regulator resources for psychosocial reconstruction of family model play a serious role in process of reconstructing motivational re-orientation of patient for full reject of drug use. Finally, this forms stable micro-social ecosystem.

Efficacy of individual complex treatment was defined in accordance with indexes of neuro- psychic stability, drawing tests, duration of abstinence, and by methods of Spilberg-Chanin and Lusher. After the treatment next general statistical indexes of mental stability were de¬creased: personal anxiety - by 18.8%, emotional tenseness - by 27.2%, asthenia - by 56.6%, drug attraction - by 57.1%, defective social adaptation - by 25%. Index of depression and situational index were decreased by 63.2% and 27.2% respectively. In catamnesis these in¬dexes fluctuated slightly. Catamnesis analysis outcomes revealed the absence overlaps in 87% of patients within 10-12 months, i.e. level of remission was quite high.

Conclusion: this study has verified that use of positive psychotherapy methods was righteous and necessary in the treatment complex for decrease of re-addiction and prolongation of re¬missions of drug dependent patients.

2014-04-19 01:25:00


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